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December 31, 2020


Asset Amount
Cash & Due from Banks $36,659,000
U.S Government Securities $11,683,000
Municipal Bonds $82,999,000
Other Securities $65,000
Fed Funds Sold $2,668,000
Loans (Net of Reserves) $335,669,000
Bank Buildings & Equipment $11,754,000
Other Real Estate $1,407,000
Other Assets $12,394,000
Total Assets $495,298,000


Asset Amount
Deposits $399,916,000
Other Liabilities $1,391,000
Fed Funds/Repurchase Agreements $9,207,000
Other Borrowed Money $32,977,000
Total Liabilities $445,491,000
Capital Stock $221,000
Surplus $25,954,000
ASC 320 Equity $2,385,000
Undivided Profits $21,247,000
Total Equity Capital $49,807,000
Total Liabilities & Capital $495,298,000

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